The shame and disbelief he feels when talking about that moment do not keep him from sharing. Instead, he uses it as a way to illustrate what “rock bottom” looked like for him and how his life has changed since then. Newcomers may decide that a program is nothing more than people telling tales and decide not to share. Just remember it is not about everything, it is about keeping it short and to the point. Most meetings begin with some readings, meditations, and a story which can go for about 30 minutes. This keeps you from telling too many stories and refines your focus on the most important parts of your personal story.

  • It allows you to validate that your experiences are worth being heard, worth sharing, and you are worthy of being loved and cared for by others.
  • Instead, he uses it as a way to illustrate what “rock bottom” looked like for him and how his life has changed since then.
  • This one should be most natural for you as you share your story.
  • The more specific you are, the more relatable your story will be.
  • Even then, you may choose to talk about these things when telling your story.
  • But it doesn’t just detail your life in active addiction.

Group participants may feel a range of emotions while listening to each other’s recovery stories, such as empathy, encouragement, and hope. Recovery in mental health is not always well understood. We do our best to explain it in the Life After Diagnosis section of this website. Some people diagnosed with a serious mental health condition, such as schizophrenia, fully recover in the medical sense of the term.

Give Back by Telling Your Story – It Could Save a Life

He has also served on an advisory committee with LegitScript, certification that lets search engines know which treatment centers operate safely and legally. The decision to share your story is an important one. Remember that it doesn’t sharing your story in recovery have to be perfect what’s most important is that it’s heartfelt. Storytelling is one of the oldest art forms practiced by humans. When you’re working with clients, share tips, tricks and best practices that you used during recovery.

What does speedy recovery mean?

: a quick return to health.

But when you are ready to share, do so—for everyone’s sake. No longer is it just something you hope for; it’s something you’ve spoken aloud, passed around with friends and strangers, and laid claim to as your very own. Telling your story in AA will probably be emotional, and that’s okay. Don’t be scared to show your emotions — it can help you work out things you’re still processing. Describe how they have helped you to stay sober, how they have helped you to grow, and how they have helped you to build a support network.

Medical Director, Board Certified in Addiction Medicine

Be open about your struggle with addiction, but respect your personal boundaries. Focus on sharing your experience related to your client’s experience and looking for similarities that can help them relate to you. Share your story with us as a form of inspiration and motivation for those still struggling. Recovery Connection is the ultimate addiction recovery resource portal for information on the latest treatments, centers, and programs.

  • However, it’s important to do a little prep before you share for the first time.
  • John’s goal is to monitor every department to ensure proper policies and procedures are in place and client care is carried out effortlessly.
  • Your story of hope and recovery may be someone else’s saving light – a message that they are not alone and their situation is far from hopeless.
  • Out of all three major components of your story, this one should come the most naturally.