In 944, Christians are already a significant group among Igor’s wife.

It is known that the then Prince Askold himself was a Christian. In the first half of the 10th century there was a church in Kyiv. Elijah and in the treatise of 944, Christians are already a significant group among Igor’s wife. Due to this, Vladimir’s efforts to spread Christianity were a complete success in larger, especially southern, cities. Outside of them, it spread, of course, slowly and slowly.

Vladimir laid the beginnings of the organization of the n church: founded the metropolitan and several Egyptian departments. Several monumental monuments of church architecture were created. Bronze figures of horses and statues brought from Chersonesos and erected in Kyiv show Vladimir’s desire to involve Russia in secular Byzantine art as well.

The interest in the spread of the Byzantine formation is evidenced by the information given in the chronicle that Vladimir took children from people of higher classes and gave them "for book study" – obviously, in order to prepare not spiritual, but in general brilliant people. His aspirations to bring Russia into the cultural interests of the then Byzantine world were not in vain: already among the first generations of Kyiv students we see a man at the height of modern Byzantine culture, in the person of Metropolitan Hilarion, the author of the eulogy to Vladimir.

This laid the foundations of new elements that connected the multi-tribal provinces of Kyiv with a new, cultural, powerful force that survived the Kyiv state itself. Hand in hand with it was another powerful connection, also just emerging then, in the form of unity of political and social system, social relations and law, which later also penetrated deeply into the life of the lands of the state. From Vladimir begins this noticeable in the evolution of the Kiev state transition from the princes-riders, who held their state by force, to the princes with a more pronounced character of rulers. Vladimir’s grandfather died as a predatory rider, his father bowed his head in a long campaign, like a wandering knight. Vladimir is dying in his capital, and people are mourning him.

The princes-rapists were followed by a prince who turned his activity to the construction of cultural foundations under the house built by his predecessors. Vladimir introduced his financial system and widespread diplomacy. During his reign, Kievan Rus became a huge empire.

An active institution appeared in the society of Kievan Rus itself, which not only provided a previously unknown spiritual unity, but also had a huge impact on cultural and economic life. Generally speaking, thanks to the epoch-making choice of Vladimir, Russia became associated with the Christian West, not with the Islamic East. This connection led to its unprecedented historical, social and cultural development. It is difficult to overestimate the fact that Christianity came to Kyiv not from Rome, but from Byzantium. Later, when there was a religious split between the two centers, Kyiv sided with Constantinople, rejecting Catholicism. This laid the foundation for future fierce conflicts between Ukrainians and their closest neighbors of the Catholic faith, the Poles.

Some historians call the years of Vladimir’s reign in Kyiv a heroic period in the history of Kievan Rus. Then the majestic structure of the state was successfully and quickly erected, the bright and original culture of its people was created, and the victorious successes of the Russian weapon glorified the country on all medieval world.


"History of Ukraine"… Manual. For order. VA Smolia, – K., 1997."History of Ukraine"… A textbook for students of non-historical specialties. – Donetsk: Center for the preparation of entrants, 1998. Hrushevsky MS Essay on the history of the Ukrainian people. – 2nd ed. – K.: Lybid, 1991.


Mykola Arkas: life story. Abstract

The most valuable archival find, the materials of which reveal the life story of Mykola Arkas, is a biographical questionnaire filled in by him, which is now stored in the Chernihiv Historiographical Museum.

"I was born in Nikolaev, the Kherson province" he wrote. "My father, the son of Mykola Andriyovych Arkas, a teacher at the Black Sea Navigation School, served in the Black Sea Fleet from 1871 to 1881 as an adjutant general, admiral, and was commander-in-chief of the Black Sea Fleet and ports …

My mother, Sofiya Petrovna, is the daughter of the Obernstern War Commissar of the Black Sea Fleet, a real state adviser to Petro Hryhorovych Bohdanovych, who was transferred to the Black Sea Fleet in 1793 from the Bunchuk comrades of the Poltava Regiment.

I studied at the Odessa private gymnasium Starodubtseva and in 1875 graduated from Odessa Novorossiysk University at the Faculty of Natural Sciences"…

Recognizing in this questionnaire his worldview as democratic and national, M. Arkas notes the paramount role in its formation of family education, high school teachers, acquaintance with the work of Taras Shevchenko, Pavel Kutish.

Without any comment of his own, he cites the conclusion of the home teacher of the young members of the Arkas family, which she wrote down in her secret diary, which accidentally fell into his hands. "Both parents and children, especially the eldest son (ie Nikolai), are great patriots who love their Little Russia and hate Peter the Great and all those who do not appreciate and love Little Russia."…

Mykola Arkas reports about his property position and place in the state-official apparatus of the Russian Empire that he has an estate in Kherson and Odesa districts of Kherson province, where he has been running his own farm since 1881 (ie since the year of his father’s death). In addition, he is an honorary justice of the peace of the Kherson district and as a state adviser is a member of the Maritime Ministry.

The mystification of his social status began in 1899 in Moscow, where the premiere of Arkasov’s opera took place. "Catherine"… She was shown there without announcing the author’s name, but a meticulous reporter "Moscow Gazette" nevertheless managed to somehow extract this surname, but at the same time reduced in the pages of the newspaper the official of the naval department to the admiral, thus confusing the father with the son. Since then, the myth of the Russian admiral – a Ukrainian patriot has gone for a walk among both enemies and friends of Ukrainians.

The same can be said about "generals" Arkas, that he had reached the rank of high civilian, a real state adviser, which is equivalent to the military rank of major general. Although this statement even entered the encyclopedic literature and found its way into the pages of the introductory essay to the Kiev reprints "History of Ukraine-Russia" 1990-91, but it is as mythical as the legend of Arkasov "admiralty"… It is refuted by the above-mentioned archival mention, in which Mykola Arkas himself testifies to his rank of state adviser, equivalent to a colonel in the army.

From the questionnaire we learn about the poem written by Arkas "Hetman Philip Orlik" where you can see the origin of those moods that will be inscribed to "History of Ukraine-Russia"…

* * *

No! I am sure that it will be true, that Ukraine will come to life again, Sigh freely, freely, gladly, Wipe bloody tears!

Hey, get up, Ukraine! As once got up, And fight for the rights that you lost !!

From the archival materials of the Chernihiv Historical Museum we learn about the still unknown facts from the compositional work of Mykola Arkas. In particular, about his writing music for the original text of the singing duo "Don’t sing for now, Bandurist!"… There is also information that M. Arkas wrote music for a poem by Pavel Chubynsky "Ukraine has not perished" although here he was preceded by the composer Verbytsky, whose music raised this poetic work to the level of the Ukrainian national anthem.

The path of Arkass’s opera "Catherine" written in 1892 in print and on stage proved difficult. The manuscript was kept in the censorship offices of Moscow and Kyiv for five years, and only in 1897 was it published in Mykolayiv at the expense of the author. On the cover of the publication was only the name of Taras Shevchenko, and the authorship of the music and libretto were hidden by a cryptonym "N. A …. b" and on top of the dedication: "My dear, unforgettable wife Olesya"… Fragments of the same year "Catherine" for the first time sounded in concert performance of a semi-professional, semi-amateur symphony orchestra of the Nikolaev branch of the Russian musical society.

The audience enthusiastically welcomed the new work. The Nikolaev press didn’t pass it by the attention also. Encouraged by the success, the author hurried to send the piano of the opera to his old friend M. Kropyvnytsky for a stage performance, and he immediately began rehearsals. Censorship put sticks in the wheels, as a result of which the first performance in Ukraine failed.

The premiere took place on February 12, 1899 in Moscow. Arkas’s conviction that M. Kropyvnytsky’s high professionalism as a director and the talent of his actors would ensure the success of the play came true. On February 13, the composer received a telegram from Moscow: "Congratulations on your success and thank you … for your trust. Kropyvnytskyi and society"…

At the same time, Mykola Arkas planned to write a book that would describe the history of the Ukrainian people. She became this book "History of Ukraine-Russia" the first edition of which was published in 1907.

Librarian of Odessa "Enlightenment" AV Nikovsky wrote:

"When I looked at the book, I saw that the author did everything to make the content of the book easily and quickly and for a long time in the reader’s head – it’s illustrations and, especially, notes in the margins, which should be a synopsis …

In this way, adding what is written popularly and adapted to the average reader, we can assume that "History" will be useful for high schools, for teachers of public schools, and for now for every Ukrainian. Because now we do not have such a history.

Take Hrushevsky – the big one in five volumes – they are afraid to approach it. "An essay on the history of the Ukrainian people" as if to play a role, when it is difficult to write and it takes away the desire to read. What’s better for you: only five copies of it have been sold during the entire existence of the Odessa Enlightenment!"

And a year later in a letter dated 16.01. 1909 newspaper editor "Council" E. Chykalenko encourages Mykola Arkas in his intentions to start preparing the second edition.

The author could not satisfy his petitioners for life, because the right to sell the book was given to the Kiev bookstore. Also to issue "History of Ukraine-Russia" M. Arkas was forced to borrow 10 thousand rubles at high interest rates.